Celebrate Your Performer:
Advertise in Our Program Guide
At Applause International, we provide a unique opportunity for family and friends to honor their loved ones while supporting our scholarship program through personalized ads. By placing an ad in our 34th semiannual program guide, you not only celebrate a participant but also contribute to scholarships that empower other talented individuals to achieve their dreams.
Ad options include:
Quarter-page ad: $75 donation
Half-page ad: $150 donation
Full-page ad: $250+ donation
Simple listing: $45 donation (includes the participant’s name and one line of encouragement, 30-40 characters)
All ads are in full color and must adhere to our submission guidelines. Once your payment is received, we’ll contact you within 24–48 hours to collect pictures and details based on your chosen ad size.
To participate, please complete the form below and submit your payment. Your support not only uplifts your performer but also makes a lasting impact on others pursuing their artistic journey!