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Showcase Your Brand and Support Talent:
Advertise in Our Program Guide

At Applause International, we're thrilled to offer an exclusive opportunity for businesses and individuals to support our mission through our sponsor ad program. Your ad will be prominently featured in our 34th semiannual program guide, which reaches a wide and engaged audience. This is a fantastic way to showcase your support while promoting your brand. All proceeds directly contribute to our scholarship fund, helping talented participants achieve their dreams.


We offer simple listings of your logo, website, and basic info for a donation of $100, quarter-page ads for a donation of $150, half-page ads for a donation of $300, and full-page ads for a donation of $500, all in full color and adhering to specific guidelines. To participate, please fill in the form below and submit your payment accordingly.


Thank you for your generous support!

We will send a confirmation of receipt and will reach out within 24-48 hours if we have any additional questions or need further information regarding your quarter, half, or full-page ad.

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